Interlayer transition and infrared photodetection in atomically thin type-II MoTe2/MoS2 van der Waals heterostructures
Kenan Zhang, Tianning Zhang, Guanghui Cheng, Tianxin Li, Shuxia Wang, Wei Wei, Xiaohao Zhou, Weiwei Yu, Yan Sun, Peng Wang, Dong Zhang, Changgan Zeng, Xingjun Wang, Weida Hu, Hong Jin Fan, Guozhen Shen, Xin Chen, Xiangfeng Duan, Kai Chang, Ning Dai
ACS Nano 10, 3852-3858 (2016)

We demonstrate the type-II staggered band alignment in MoTe2/MoS2 van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures and an interlayer optical transition at ∼1.55 μm. The photoinduced charge separation between the MoTe2/MoS2 vdW heterostructure is verified by Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) under illumination, density function theory (DFT) simulations and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Photoelectrical measurements of MoTe2/MoS2 vdW heterostructures show a distinct photocurrent response in the infrared regime (1550 nm). The creation of type-II vdW heterostructures with strong interlayer coupling could improve our fundamental understanding of the essential physics behind vdW heterostructures and help the design of next-generation infrared optoelectronics.
UCLA, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
607 Charles E. Young Drive East, Box 951569
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1569
607 Charles E. Young Drive East, Box 951569
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1569