Layered intercalation materials
Jingyuan Zhou, Zhaoyang Lin, Huaying Ren, Xidong Duan, Imran Shakir, Yu Huang, Xiangfeng Duan
Advanced Materials (2021)
2D layered materials typically feature strong in-plane covalent chemical bonding within each atomic layer and weak out-of-plane van der Waals (vdW) interactions between adjacent layers. The non-bonding nature between neighboring layers naturally results in a vdW gap, in which various foreign species may be inserted without breaking the in-plane covalent bonds. By tailoring the composition, size, structure, and electronic properties of the intercalated guest species and the hosting layered materials, an expansive family of layered intercalation materials may be produced with highly variable compositional and structural features as well as widely tunable physical/chemical properties, invoking unprecedented opportunities in fundamental studies of property modulation and potential applications in diverse technologies, including electronics, optics, superconductors, thermoelectrics, catalysis, and energy storage. Here, the principles and protocols for various intercalation methods, including wet chemical intercalation, gas-phase intercalation, electrochemical intercalation, and ion-exchange intercalation, are comprehensively reviewed and how the intercalated species alter the crystal structure and the interlayer coupling of the host 2D layered materials, introducing unusual physical and chemical properties and enabling devices with superior performance or unique functions, is discussed. To conclude, a brief summary on future research opportunities and emerging challenges in the layered intercalation materials is given
UCLA, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
607 Charles E. Young Drive East, Box 951569
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1569
607 Charles E. Young Drive East, Box 951569
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1569